Category: muscle pain

  • Back Pain and Gardening

    Working in the garden can be great exercise and has all the benefits of getting out into the fresh air and sunshine. For many people, gardening is the only real form of exercise they get.

  • Look after your back – choose the right bed

    Every year up to 40% of the population – over 16 million of us – will suffer a bout of back pain and if you’re one of the unlucky ones, you will find that the state of your bed will quickly become a priority. A good bed, providing correct support and comfort, has an important…

  • EMMETT Technique

    EMMETT Technique is a gentle body therapy developed by Ross Emmett, an Australian practitioner.  It is based on the belief that light touch can trigger a relaxation response in the soft tissue of the body, and the therapist may help relieve tensions resulting in feelings of improved comfort within the body. I did some EMMETT…

  • Neuromuscular Reeducation (NMR)

    What is it? Neuromuscular Reeducation (NMR) is a soft-tissue technique that addresses the pain and loss of function caused by many of the most common injuries affecting the nerves, muscles, connective tissue and joints. It combines elements of sports massage, trigger point therapy, fascial release and active release techniques.