Category: frequently asked questions

  • McTimoney Chiropractic in Peterborough

    What is McTimoney Chiropractic? McTimoney chiropractic is a gentle style of chiropractic that uses light, fast movements to adjust the bones of the body. It aims to improve the alignment of the skeleton. Can McTimoney help me? The gentle nature of McTimoney makes it suitable for people of all ages. Studies have shown that chiropractic…

  • How many visits to the chiropractor will I need?

    Some people see dramatic benefits from a single visit to the Chiropractor. Others need more.

  • What is the difference between Chiropractic and Osteopathy?

    This is a question that comes up a lot and it’s one that I find increasingly difficult to answer as I learn more about the wide range of approaches used in my own profession and in osteopathy. Similarities There are more similarities than differences between the two professions. Chiropractors and Osteopaths both believe that many…